Delivering Outpatient Care to Patients’ Doorsteps - 16 Reasons Physical Therapists are Loving Luna

By Luna
Delivering Outpatient Care to Patients’ Doorsteps - 16 Reasons Physical Therapists are Loving Luna

Physical therapy has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, and Luna's PT platform is at the forefront of this revolution. Luna is redefining outpatient PT care by providing services directly to patients' homes, which is loved by both patients and physical therapists alike. Luna's model allows physical therapists to enjoy a more flexible, profitable, and fulfilling practice, underpinned by state-of-the-art technology.

Here are 16 reasons why therapists are flocking to Luna (over 3,000 PTs so far have chosen us which is more than 1% of all PTs nationally!) for their supplemental income needs:

  1. Unparalleled Flexibility

Luna allows therapists to break free from fixed schedules. You set your own schedule, work as little or as much as you want, and take time off whenever you desire. Learn more about how this works for you here.

  1. Hassle-Free Administration

With Luna, therapists don’t have to worry about the administrative aspects of their practice. The Luna Concierge takes care of scheduling, authorizations, credentialing, and billing, freeing you to focus on patient care.

  1. Welcome Gift

Upon joining Luna, therapists receive a $500 Luna Mobile PT Kit as a special gift. This kit includes essential equipment to help you deliver high quality care anywhere on the go.

  1. Fixed Rate per Visit

Luna ensures therapists are paid a fixed rate per visit, regardless of the payer. This reliability and fairness in payment is a breath of fresh air in the healthcare industry.

  1. Immediate Payment

Luna values the work of therapists, paying them immediately for their services. This eliminates the need to deal with insurance delays or denials, ensuring prompt payment every time.

  1. Incentives and Bonuses

For therapists who dedicate more of their time to Luna's platform, Luna offers special incentives, prizes, therapist referral bonuses, and other bonuses, making it not only a rewarding but also a lucrative choice.

  1. Guaranteed Payment for Late Cancellations

At Luna, even late cancellations by the patient result in a payment to the therapist. This policy acknowledges the value of the therapists' time.

  1. Easy Access to Earnings

Luna provides therapists the convenience of accessing their earnings anytime with a 1-click withdrawal system. Say goodbye to delays in accessing your hard-earned money.

  1. Auto-Charting Technology®

Luna's innovative Auto-Charting uses voice-based technology, allowing therapists to complete standard visit documentation in 3 minutes or less - usually in the car ride to the next appointment. This technology revolutionizes how therapists handle documentation, improving efficiency. Don’t take work home with you anymore!

  1. Integrated Luna App Features

The Luna App integrates intake and progress forms, exercises, messaging, surgical protocols, and outcomes tracking. It's a one-stop-shop for managing patient care, enhancing efficiency, and improving patient outcomes. Discover how Luna App can transform your practice.

  1. Time-Efficient Travel

With Luna's App, therapists won't have to worry about long drives between appointments. The app ensures that therapists do not drive more than 30 minutes per patient visit, increasing productivity.

  1. Luna Safety Shield®

Therapists' safety is a priority for Luna. Through the Luna Safety Shield feature, Luna monitors and ensures the safety of its therapists. Learn more about Luna Safety Shield.

  1. Commitment to High Quality Patient Care

At Luna, therapists deliver 1:1 care for 45-55 minutes per visit. This allows therapists to see the results and impact of their care firsthand.

  1. Streamlined Physician Communications

With Luna, therapists enjoy a streamlined system for plan of care signatures and communications with physicians/surgeons. Luna handles these tasks for you, allowing therapists to focus on providing excellent patient care.

  1. Access to Motivated Patients

Luna's platform automatically matches therapists with motivated patients seeking outpatient care at home. This maximizes the adherence to treatment plans, and along with your high quality care, results in better outcomes.

  1. Specialized Care Opportunities

At Luna, therapists see patients that specifically seek their skill and specialty. This provides a unique opportunity for therapists to use their expertise to its fullest extent.

Luna is more than just a platform for outpatient PT care - it's a movement shaping the future of physical therapy. By focusing on flexibility, earnings, technology, and quality patient care, Luna offers physical therapists an unprecedented opportunity to practice their craft on their own terms. If you're an exceptional physical therapist seeking a rewarding and flexible career, it's time to consider joining the Luna platform.

Join the 3,000+ therapists on Luna today!
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