Get to Know Our Therapists: Gary Goss

What were you doing before Luna?
Before working for Luna I worked in a couple busy outpatient clinics. I was seeing upwards of 20 patients a day and 4 to 5 evaluations depending on the day. I thought the fast-paced outpatient environment was what I wanted coming out of school, but eventually I knew I needed a change.
How did you get involved with Luna?
After spending my first three and a half years in outpatient settings, I started to do some soul-searching. I was completely burnt out with the clinical settings I was in. While I was thankful for everything I had learned from other experienced physical therapists, I knew there had to be something out there that would be better for myself and the patients I was working with. Over several months, I started researching different settings of physical therapy. I even thought about quitting PT all together and using my degree in a non-clinical setting. Luckily, one day I came across Luna on a job search engine. Most other jobs were rated 2 or 3 stars out of 5. Luna was highly rated I remember. I reviewed their website/ business model, and was instantly hooked. I applied, and the rest is history.
How do you work on Luna?
I use Luna as my full-time job. I understand some clinicians use it for supplemental income. I've been able to see a steady flow of patients through the platform. I'm so absolutely grateful for this because mobile outpatient PT is all I ever want to do for the rest of my career.
Why do you work on Luna?
I work on Luna because it has taken me out of my busy outpatient setting which I was in. I feel like mobile outpatient PT is the future of physical therapy. I'm just so fortunate that I was able to start with Luna when it absolutely exploded in Phoenix and throughout the country.
How does Luna’s technology help you?
The technology including the app and the platform makes things so streamlined and easy. In the busy outpatient setting you spend several hours on notes. With Luna you'll spend a fraction of that time. The app makes it super simple to schedule and manage patients, contact / message, and the concierge team is always available if you have any questions about anything. Also forget waiting 2 weeks for every paycheck you get, with Luna you are basically paid almost every single day after the completion of your notes. It's super convenient.
What other benefits do you see?
Working for Luna is a no-brainer. You have the freedom to schedule as little or as much as you want. If you're a go-getter you can absolutely make it your career. In general it's good for not only the therapist but the patient as well. If you think about a busy outpatient setting, the therapist is working with several patients at once and unfortunately, can't always give their undivided attention. As a patient you get a full hour of their undivided attention, we bring the equipment, and you don't even have to leave your house. What more could you honestly ask for? I've always prided myself on patient outcomes, and I've never seen better outcomes in my entire career than I currently am now with Luna. I'm also getting the same feedback from patients who have gone to busy outpatient settings and have now had Luna. They appreciate the undivided attention and feel that they are getting a significant value out of the time that they are spending in therapy. From a personal perspective, I've seen my stress completely melt away. I have the best work-life balance I've ever had. I'm able to get a good night's rest and wake up excited to see all of my patients for the day. I feel like other places I've been at have been jobs, I feel that working for Luna is a career. I just feel that I am serving out more of my purpose and what I was meant to be doing in the first place as a Physical Therapist.
What would you suggest to other therapists considering Luna?
I promise you, it will be the best career decision you will ever make. I truly believe it's the best company you could ever work for as a physical therapist. If you're on the fence, you can always start with a small caseload and work your way up to full-time. Once you start though, you'll wish you would have joined sooner.
What is your favorite patient story?
I actually have a couple stories that come to mind. Currently I've been working with a patient who suffered multiple gunshot wounds. She lost the ability to walk / transfer and perform most of the self care that we take for granted on a daily basis. Despite this, she never complains and always has a positive attitude every single day I work with her. We've been working really hard together and she's been able to take her first steps. It's been an emotional time for her and her family, and it's been so fulfilling to see her become more independent. Her attitude rubs off on me and has reminded me to not take things for granted and to always give it my all.
The next story is actually pretty funny. Last October I promised my patients I would dress up for Halloween. I ended up dressing up in a gorilla suit. I set my schedule up to where I would have extra time taking on and off the suit between sessions. If you're not from Phoenix, just know it can still be over a hundred degrees in October. So things got a little toasty with the suit but it was still so worth it! I had a blast with all the patient reactions and I would totally do it again.
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