Physical Therapist Resources: Best Luna Blogs of 2020

2020 was quite the year. No one could have imagined it would turn out the way it did with COVID-19, but the pandemic didn't stop Luna from coming to the rescue for our therapists, patients, and physicians. Even better, we expanded our PT services to include Arizona, California, Illinois, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington State. Thankfully, we're thriving -- just like our team of incredible physical therapists, as more patients realize they can receive quality outpatient care in the convenience and safety of their home. Our innovative model has helped our PTs experience tremendous success. If you're a PT interested in bettering yourself and your business, take a look at this roundup of our PTs top reads from 2020.
4 Ways Physical Therapists Can Promote Themselves (With Templates)
This article covers four ways that physical therapists can promote themselves and their services to deliver better care to more patients. Plus, there are templates to help with outreach and marketing to cultivate, build, and strengthen fruitful relationships.
Tips for Working as an Independent Contractor
Working as an independent contractor offers better working conditions, flexible hours, and a higher income. This article includes unique tips that help physical therapists effectively transition to an independent contracting position. It also has a free, easy to use, step-by-step manual on independent contracting.
Luna Makes Paperwork a Relic of the Past
It's no secret that physical therapists prefer to spend time on their patients, not on their paperwork. That's why Luna includes its innovative Auto-ChartingTM feature to its team of PTs. It eliminates all that time-consuming paperwork. It's an ingenious, yet simple, and super-fast way to create detailed, actionable charts right from your smartphone. Not surprisingly, this one of the features that our PTs love the most.
Top 10 Podcasts for Busy Physical Therapists
Looking for a good listen while you're driving to and from appointments? Enjoy some of our favorite podcasts. As dedicated physical therapists, you already know that your education and self-improvement are never-ending. Podcasts are a great way to get inspired, stay on top of industry news, and learn how to be better at most everything.
How to Become a Mobile PT Without the Headache
Are you a PT ready to break free from the clinical setting? Or are you interested in supplementing your income through mobile PT services? If so, this article is for you. In it, we've outlined five hurdles associated with mobile PT businesses and how to handle each. It's good to be aware of challenges before starting your practice and delivering PT on the go.
How Luna PTs Grow Their Practices
Luna wants to ensure their physical therapists are super-successful when starting their practice. That's why each of our new PTs receives a special "Grow Your Practice Kit" to get their business up and running fast. It includes information on marketing, helpful social media tips, and other fun goodies.
Will you be the next PT to receive a Luna "Grow Your Practice Kit"? We welcome top-notch physical therapists interested in adding a new, lucrative income stream to their business model. Other PTs, like Justin and Itoro love being on the Luna team. What's not to love? They get to be their own boss and create their own schedules -- all while Luna handles the insurance billing, patient awareness, scheduling, and more. If you’re a practicing PT, you owe it to yourself to learn more about joining Luna today.
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