Get to Know Our Therapists: Bijal Toprani, PT, DPT

Where do you live, and what do you like to do for fun there?
I live in West Hollywood, California. It’s a place that’s well-known for its awesome restaurant scene. I love discovering new places and indulging in great food. I like everything, from classic to cutting-edge eateries, but find I most enjoy a really good coffee shop or Italian place.
What inspired you to become a physical therapist?
I’ve always been a very active person, even when I was young. I loved playing outside, riding my bike, Bollywood dancing, and playing volleyball in high school. While I was an undergraduate at UCLA, I taught group fitness classes. Movement has always been, and continues to be, a priority for me. I discovered that physical therapy aligned perfectly with that mindset, so I made it my career aspiration during my junior year of college.
What do you find most rewarding in your work as a physical therapist?
I currently work full time at an in-patient, rehabilitation setting. For me, the most rewarding aspect of my job is seeing my patient’s progress. When they can do things like stand up or get out of bed without assistance, it brings us both a lot of joy. Together, we get to see and experience the returns on our rehabilitation work and how worthwhile it was to make the effort.
What do you find most challenging as a physical therapist?
Most physical therapists know that burnout is a common challenge. We are all very empathetic, and it’s a feeling that we channel all day long. We grow accustomed to taking on other people’s negative energy in our attempts to get them well. For me, I shake off negative energy through exercise. I make it a priority and work out every day, usually early in the morning. Getting those endorphins going helps me start my day with positivity. Also, I’ve created clear professional boundaries for a better work/life balance. When I’m done with work, I do my best to disconnect from it completely. Those two things have helped me ward off feelings of burnout.
How did you find out about Luna?
Believe it or not, I discovered Luna on LinkedIn. A Luna team member reached out to me and told me about the company and its mission. The more I learned, the more compelling I found it to be. I’m really happy that I decided to join the team.
What have been your results from joining the Luna network?
Joining Luna has both boosted my career and stabilized my work/life balance. Schedule flexibility is one of the most significant assets. I get to set my own hours and have control over when I want to take time off. Those two things help me live life on my terms, which I value tremendously. The compensation is quite good. I find that I’m working smarter, not harder.
Because of that, I don’t feel compelled to see a larger volume of patients to increase my income. It’s great because I get to spend more time with a smaller group of patients -- time that allows me to provide them with a better level of care. I feel like Luna cares a lot about me too. Their Concierge team has been very helpful. I’m also taking advantage of the Luna Growth Program. Having a readily accessible and highly knowledgeable mentor is a big benefit. Learning from her and gaining her best practices has been fantastic for me.
You had mentioned smart ways to avoid burnout earlier. Do you have any additional advice for physical therapists who might be struggling in their field?
Yes. Give Luna a try. It’s a company that puts a caring focus on its therapists as opposed to revenue alone. I feel well-supported by Luna. Having the ability to work a non-traditional schedule frees up tons of my time. The concierge assistance and Growth Program are unique to Luna and incredibly helpful. The work/life balance is terrific. All combined, it’s unlike any other company I’ve worked for. I’m very glad I became part of the Lunaverse, and I believe other physical therapists would benefit from it too.
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