The PT License Process in Virginia

How do you get your PT license in Virginia? It's worth researching since the median salary for a physical therapist in the state is over $90k per year, with top PTs making nearly $123k. Moreover, demand for physical therapists in Virginia is projected to grow 21.3% from 2018 to 2028, with 470 PT job openings annually throughout the state. And since we're in the business of helping physical therapists as best we can, we're sharing how to become licensed in this beautiful state. Here are the basic steps:
Step 1: Earn your Physical Therapy degree
Step 2: Apply for a license with The Virginia Board of Physical Therapy
Step 3: Pass the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE)
Step 4: Maintain and renew your license
Step 1: Earn your Physical Therapy degree
To become a licensed Physical Therapist in Virginia, you must obtain a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree from an accredited school. Schools must be accredited through CAPTE (Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education.) As of this writing, there are 10 CAPTE accredited schools in the state of Virginia.
A Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program typically takes about three to four years to complete. Before enrolling in a DPT program, you must first earn a bachelor's degree, ideally with a major in health sciences.
Step 2: Apply for a license with The Virginia Board of Physical Therapy
The Virginia Board of Physical Therapy oversees the licensing of physical therapists in the state. You can apply for your physical therapy license online via the Virginia Department of Health Professions. You must have a social security number to create your account and be at least 18 years old to apply. Once your online account is set up, you can fill out and submit your application along with your application fee (currently $140.) Your transcript is also required and must be sent directly from your school to the Board.
Once you've completed the online application process, you must request a fingerprint-based background check through Fieldprint. You'll receive an application confirmation receipt containing a Fieldprint Code. The code is required to schedule your fingerprinting appointment. You then schedule an appointment online to be fingerprinted. When you go to your appointment, bring your appointment number, along with two forms of valid identification, such as a driver's license or passport. Your fingerprints will be collected electronically, submitted to the state, and your background check results will be automatically sent back to the Virginia Board of Physical Therapy. As of this writing, the cost for the fingerprint background check is $35.95 for applicants that reside in Virginia.
For more detailed information on Virginia's PT licensing and background check procedures, reference the Board's frequently asked questions page.
Step 3: Pass the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE)
The NPTE exam determines if you're qualified to practice as a PT in Virginia. This exam is administered by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT), and the cost is currently $485. The exam fee is payable by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover) only.
To register for the test, you'll create an online account through FSBPT to take the NPTE. Upon successful registration, you'll receive an emailed Authorization to Test letter (ATT) from FSBPT (it's also available online via your Customer Dashboard.) Your ATT letter will direct you to contact Prometric (the test administrator) to schedule a time to sit for the exam.
The test is a multiple-choice exam consisting of 250 questions. One of the best ways to prepare for the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) is by taking a practice exam. When you're ready to take the official exam, take note of the NPTE eligibility requirements as well as the key dates and deadlines.
Step 4: Maintain and renew your license
Once you've completed and passed all of the above requirements, you'll receive your physical therapy license to practice in Virginia. It's issued for two years, but to keep it current, you must renew your license by December 31 of each even-numbered year.
To renew your license, you must have 30 hours of continuing education (CE).* A minimum of 20 contact hours must be Type 1, and no more than ten contact hours can be Type 2. Type 1 CE courses are any organized program of study, classroom experience, or similar experience such as online coursework, webinars, podcasts, face-to-face workshops, etc., that relate directly to your clinical practice of physical therapy. Type 2 CE may include consultation with colleagues, independent study, and research or writing on subjects related to your practice. To find more detailed information on the continued competency requirements, reference the Licensee's CEU page of APTA Virginia, the state chapter of The American Physical Therapy Association.
*Note: The CE requirement is waived for the first biennial renewal for anyone newly licensed by exam (new graduates only).
When ready, you may renew your license online via the Virginia Department of Health Professions. If you run into any issues, reference their informative FAQ page for online renewals.
A receipt page at the end of the renewal process confirms that you've completed the process. Be sure to print that page for your records. In addition, you can check the status of your license via the License Lookup page.
These are the main steps required for getting and keeping your physical therapy license in Virginia. For additional help, we recommend you contact VPTA, the Virginia chapter of The American Physical Therapy Association.
From all of us at Luna, we wish you the best of luck and look forward to a possible partnership with you in the future.
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