Workers' Compensation: 5 Ways Luna PT Optimizes Claims and Recovery

What comes to mind when you think about work-related injuries and workers' compensation? You likely consider the medical care (such as physical therapy) required for the employee’s prompt recovery, impacts from their leave of absence, the claims process, the "return to function" timeframe, and more. It's a lot to handle...and optimize. There can be tons of time and money involved, not only for employers but for clinics, insurance providers, patients, unions, and other key stakeholders. If it's not top-of-mind for you, it should be. It is for Jeff Bezos, the founder, and CEO of Amazon. In his most recent letter to shareholders, he states:
"...about 40% of work-related injuries at Amazon are related to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), things like sprains or strains that can be caused by repetitive motions."
He goes on to say that he and his team put several initiatives into place to address the issues, stating:
"Our increased attention to early MSD prevention is already achieving results. From 2019 to 2020, overall MSDs decreased by 32%, and MSDs resulting in time away from work decreased by more than half."
Of course, preventative measures help to reduce injuries, but they aren't 100% effective. Every day, both blue-collar and white-collar employees sustain all kinds of job-related injuries, most of which result in workers' compensation claims. The process is expensive and time-consuming for all involved...until now. Luna's on-demand physical therapy is a perfect solution for optimizing both the claim, recovery, and return to function processes. Here are five reasons why:
1. Care with Luna starts within 48 hours of referral
Timely physical therapy is a significant factor when it comes to workers' compensation cases. Care that commences sooner completes faster, and it's one of the reasons why Luna starts PT care immediately. A recent report by the Workers' Compensation Research Institute showed that early administration of physical therapy improved patient outcomes and saved money on claims. In fact, those who delayed their physical therapy averaged up to 28% higher payment claims and up to 69% more disability time off compared to those who received physical therapy within seven days of injury.
2. PT care delivered means better patient compliance
With Luna, physical therapy is delivered to patients at places most convenient for them. It could be at their home, work, gym...we 'bring the clinic' anywhere they want to receive their PT. Lack of transportation and travel costs are non-issues. Because care is delivered, cancellations and "no-shows" are a thing of the past. Therefore, Luna's on-demand physical therapy results in optimum compliance and a faster return to function for their patients.
3. On-demand PT provides greater access
Luna physical therapy is available from 6:30 AM to 9:30 PM every day of the week. Yes, even on weekends. That kind of accessibility is not something readily available through standard PT clinics. "The clinic is closed" is no longer a valid excuse. Luna's expanded hours of operation helps patients schedule their physical therapy at times most convenient to them, resulting in better adherence to their entire course of care.
4. Real-time patient progress updates result in better outcomes
Luna's technology-enabled physical therapy application offers a unique advantage to key stakeholders in the worker's compensation claims process. Patient care and progress are data-driven and easily tracked. Reporting is in real-time, so there's no latency in monitoring a patient's progress. That kind of visibility equates to better adherence and outcomes for patients and a better understanding of their needs for continued care.
5. PT is a fast-track requirement for additional care
Insurance providers in many states now stipulate that physical therapy is a necessary "gateway" for other medical procedures. Pre-authorization approvals for certain surgeries, injections, MRIs, x-rays, CT scans, and more now hinge on the fact that physical therapy is administered first. Why? PT care often reveals that those time-consuming and expensive medical procedures may not have been necessary in the first place. What's more, physical therapy is the best option for patients who wish to avoid risky surgical procedures or long-term use of pain medications.
When you combine all of the benefits mentioned above, it's easy to see how Luna's mobile technology is redefining and improving every aspect of the physical therapy experience. And when it comes to workers' comp, it not only helps heal injured workers quickly, it helps employers save money in the process. Luna's timely, on-demand physical therapy provides better adherence, faster recoveries, quicker returns to function, and less lost wages.
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