Get to Know Our Therapists: Andrew Chetcuti, PT, DPT, and Olympian

Meet one of the newest physical therapists to join Luna, Andrew Chetcuti. He’s an Olympic swimmer who just competed in the Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games. We recently had the chance to sit down with Andrew to learn more about his world. Let’s just say that Andrew is seriously upping Luna’s coolness factor.
How did you get to this point in your career? Could you tell us a bit about your background?
"I’m originally from Malta, south of Italy, but I grew up in Dubai. I moved to the states for college and PT school. I had the opportunity to swim in college and ended up swimming for my country in the Olympics in 2012, 2016, and 2021. I graduated from PT school in 2016 and currently work in an outpatient clinic in Midtown Atlanta. Sports rehabilitation and orthopedics are where I’m most involved, and I recently got my TPI Certification."
Full-time job, swimming, and Luna? How do you manage it all?
"Luna gives me a lot of autonomy, and it’s phenomenal. I’m only available to see patients with Luna on Tuesday afternoons and late mornings or early afternoons on Thursday and Saturdays. I pick up Luna appointments on my light training days for swimming and love how it works around my schedule. With how hectic training and work are, I wouldn’t have time to do a part-time side job. I’d be completely burnt out. With Luna, I dictate when I want to work and how many patients I want to see week to week. I need that kind of control because my schedule changes all the time."
You just completed your first session with Luna this week. How was it?
"Luna’s not like traditional home health physical therapy, but this was my first experience treating a patient outside of a clinic. I was a little bit nervous about what to expect, but it was really, really good. It felt like exactly what I do in the clinic, but at someone’s house. Documenting with Luna is awesome and so much easier than what I use in the outpatient setting."
How did you find your way to a career in physical therapy?
"Swimming is why I got into physical therapy in the first place. I injured my shoulder after not warming up properly before practice. I did physical therapy for three months and managed to avoid surgery and have no lingering issues or deficiencies. I saw how much of an impact physical therapy could have in helping people get back to what they love to do. Having an alternative route to surgery gave me more control over my healthcare and saved me so much money."
How does being an Olympic swimmer inform your work as a PT?
"It was an incredible experience participating at the 2016 Olympic games as an athlete and physical therapist. I got to spend time with the world-class therapists who serve the athletes and really had a chance to gain experience on both sides. Being there exposed me to a new level of excellence in physical therapy and inspired me to progress my career. Once I’m gone racing, I’d love to go back to the Olympics as a therapist. I’d also like to work with a professional sports team or a professional golfer one day."
What’s your “why”? Why do you do what you do?
"I am passionate about getting people out of pain and back to doing the things they love. One patient comes to mind who felt embarrassed about traveling with a walker because she felt looked down upon. With my help, she managed to ditch the walker for a cane, which was such a big deal to her. I also recently workers with a golfer who had been unable to play for over a year because of his back pain. I used my own knowledge of physical therapy to help him, and his pain improved a bit, but it kept coming back. Two months into his care, I decided to pursue a TPI Certification to expand my knowledge. Now he’s back to competing in tournaments in his 60s. He invited me to play a round of golf with him in a couple of weeks."
What do you love most about working with Luna?
"The app is great. I use it all the time to communicate with Luna’s Concierge team. Even when I’m alone, I never feel like I’m left to figure things out myself. It’s nice to always have Luna’s support in my pocket."
And..... what’s next for Andrew? The FINA World Swimming Championships in Abu Dhabi this December. GO, ANDREW! We’ll be cheering you on!
Olympian or not, if you’re a physical therapist looking for more autonomy and flexibility in your career, Luna’s ready to work for you. Learn more about teaming up with Luna.
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