Debunked: 7 Physical Therapy Myths Commonly Believed as Facts

Physical therapists are experts in regaining function and mobility, decreasing pain, and strengthening the body. While Luna offers a great way to get personal, convenient, high-quality care, there are several misconceptions about physical therapy that may be holding you back.
Here are some common myths you may have come across, and why they are just that —myths.
Myth #1: Physical Therapy Doesn’t Work
There’s a lot that goes into a patient’s individual treatment plan that’s unique to their condition, so we want to debunk this myth right away. Physical therapy is highly effective and a successful way to recover safely and achieve optimal results.
Your therapist will work with you to set realistic goals and progress milestones. They will provide the tools and education to reach those goals and improve your condition. It’s up to you, as the patient, to complete your course of care and maintain your health and wellness.
Myth #2: Physical Therapy Isn’t Safe Because It Requires Rigorous Exercise
You may be hesitant to start treatment because you’ve heard this one before, but physical therapy is great for any fitness level. Your therapist will alter your exercise plan to balance your pain tolerance and be sure they are safe to heal your body effectively with minimal discomfort.
Myth #3: Physical Therapy Treatment Is Only Available in a Clinic
This is, in fact, a myth! With Luna’s in-home physical therapy, you have access to outpatient therapy services right in the comfort of your home. We’ve eliminated the need for traveling to a clinic and sitting for hours in a waiting room. With Luna, your therapist will come to you for each session and help you address your condition with convenience and ease.
Myth #4: Insurance Doesn’t Cover Physical Therapy
Most insurance policies actually will cover some, if not all, of your physical therapy treatment. Luna even accepts all major insurances and Medicare, so you’ll never pay more than you would in a traditional clinic.
Physical therapy even lowers costs in the long run, avoiding the need for costly imaging scans and extra expenses associated with chronic or prolonged conditions.
Myth #5: Surgery is More Effective than Physical Therapy
In some cases, surgery is necessary and unavoidable, but it isn’t always your only option. Physical therapy should be the first step in your recovery without surgical intervention. As a safe alternative to surgery, physical therapy can be just as effective for conditions like meniscus injuries, degenerative disk disease, or spinal stenosis.
Myth #6: Physical Therapy Keeps You from Doing What You Love
The ultimate goal is to get you back to the activities you love. By working with you in your own space, your Luna therapist can incorporate exercises into your daily life that make sense for you, letting you return to the hobbies you love even faster.
Myth #7: Physical Therapy Doesn’t Require a Physical Therapist
You may be thinking you can exercise on your own without a physical therapist, but physical therapy is more than just exercise. You should not attempt it without the guidance of a licensed professional. The clinical expertise and specialized education of a physical therapist are invaluable and can help you heal faster and prevent re-injury.
Get matched with a board-certified Luna PT who specializes in your condition, and let us bring physical therapy right to your door.
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