Official New Service Launch: PT for Plants: Physical Therapy to Help Your Plants Flourish!

Get ready to see your plants sprout some vibrant foliage! We are offering a revolutionary new program for your favorite botanical buddies. Our skilled plant physical therapists are trained to coach them toward perfect posture and thriving health.
Whether you are a proud owner of a beautiful flower garden or an office filled with ferns, your Luna PT will ensure your plants receive the physical therapy they need to flourish. After all, proper care and physical therapy can make all the difference between a happy, healthy plant and one that wilts away.
Plant-habilitation: Boosting Photosynthesis and Stem Growth
So do plants even need physical therapy? Yes! That’s right, plants need specialized care, too! They require physical therapy for the same reasons as we do — to reduce pain caused by the deterioration of tissues, muscles, and joints.
Too much hydration and overwatering a houseplant can cause slouching but can be relieved through carefully-executed stem stretching exercises. We address improper sun exposure with postural realignment and pruning to eliminate unproductive foliage.
Our specialized techniques will help improve their photosynthetic processes and hydration levels while conditioning your plants to ensure optimum growth, health, and performance.
Plant-Focused Care Treatments
Your plants should always feel supported. Injured blooms, a lack of leaf exercise, and poor root health may all be reasons to consider plant-focused physio care.
Our core plant therapy methods include the following:
Hydrotherapy to keep your plants hydrated and looking fresh
Heat therapy to regulate nutrient-dense soil and prevent soil-borne pathogens
Plant yoga for stretching and boosting flexibility
Strengthening exercises for engaging core roots and stronger stems
Massage therapy for plants feeling too stressed or anxious to grow
Our experienced physical therapists will thoroughly evaluate your plants, assessing their current condition to diagnose any health issues and provide specialized treatments from the comfort of your home garden. There's no need to have any special equipment; our therapists will bring everything to you, and they may use tools such as mesh cages, stakes, or pruning shears to give your plants the best chance to thrive.
Unearth the Healing Power of In-Home Plant Therapy
Plants of all colors, shapes, and sizes will benefit from physical therapy, from young seedlings to large trees. If you’re ready to give your greenery the healing it needs, it’s simple and easy to sign up for our new service. Just remember, it’s April Fool’s Day, and it’s never too early for a laugh!
Plants don't need physical therapy to grow bright and beautiful; just sunlight, water, and extra TLC. But if you have loved ones (family and friends) who you think will benefit from our in-home physical therapy services, reach out and find a therapist near you.
We may not be experts in horticulture, but our therapists are experts in assessing, diagnosing, and treating musculoskeletal and neurological conditions, helping patients regain mobility and achieve their physical goals.
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