The PT License Process in New York

How do you get a physical therapy license in New York? It's a great question, considering the demand for PTs in New York is rising. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that jobs for PTs will increase by 32.7% in New York between 2016 and 2026. What's more, The New York State Department of Labor reports that physical therapists in New York earned an average annual salary of $90,880, with entry-level starting at $63,980, and experienced PTs obtaining $124,870. That's some of the highest pay in the nation for PTs, so it's worth becoming licensed in the state. Since we're in the business of helping physical therapists as best we can, here are the steps on how to make it happen:
Step 1: Earn your Physical Therapy degree
Step 2: Apply for your New York PT license
Step 3: Pass the National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE)
Step 4: Maintain and renew your license
The New York State Education Department (NYSED) Office of the Professions is the agency you'll be working with to become a licensed physical therapist. It is the organization that ensures all PTs meet the required qualifications in the state.
Step 1: Earn your Physical Therapy degree
To become a PT in New York, you must be at least 18 years of age, have good moral character, and have a master's degree (or higher) in physical therapy. In addition, your degree must be from a CAPTE-accredited school. CAPTE is the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education. Currently, there are over 20 accredited schools in New York.
Step 2: Apply for your New York PT license
Once you complete your physical therapy degree education, you can apply for a license with the NYSED Office of the Professions Physical Therapy Division. You will need to complete and submit two forms:
Note: If you are or have been licensed as a PT in another state or U.S. territory, you must also submit Form 3 - Certification of Physical Therapist or Physical Therapist Assistant Licensure in Another State. Not everyone will need to do so but check to see if you also need to submit Forms 4 and 4A as well.
For Form 1, be prepared to enter your contact information, educational history (including locations and dates,) professional experience (including details about any other licenses held,) and examination information (including past examinations and details for upcoming exams.) Also, have a credit card ready to pay the licensing and registration fees.
Form 2 verifies that you have completed all of the requirements for your degree. You must complete Section I of the form, making sure to sign and date item 8. You then send the form to your school along with Section II. The Registrar or appropriate school official at your school will fill out the second section. They must send the completed form directly to the Office of the Professions using this address: State Education Department, Office of the Professions, Division of Professional Licensing Services, Physical Therapy Unit, 89 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12234-1000.
If you have questions or would like to check the status of your application, you can do so via the NYSED Office of the Professions Contact Us form.
Note that you must first apply for your PT license before moving on to the next step, taking the National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE.) Your processed application certifies that you're qualified to take the exam.
Step 3: Pass the National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE)
As your application is being processed, you'll need to register online for the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) offered through the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT.) You may register and pay online for the test via their Customer Dashboard. When you're ready to take the official exam, take note of the NPTE eligibility requirements as well as the key dates and deadlines.
Once you've registered for the exam, you'll receive an emailed Authorization to Test letter (ATT) from FSBPT (also available online on your Customer Dashboard.) Your ATT letter will direct you to contact Prometric to schedule a time to sit for the exam.
Note: One of the best ways to prepare for the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) is by taking their practice exam.
Step 4: Maintain and renew your license
In New York, upon satisfying the eligibility requirements, you are awarded a license that is good for life. However, to continue practice as a physical therapist, your licensee must be registered with the NYSED Office of the Professions every three years. The first registration renewal is prorated to your birth month.
When you are newly licensed, you'll not have to complete continuing education coursework in the first three-year registration period. After that, to renew your registration, New York requires 36 CEU (Continuing Education Unit) hours every three years by the last day of your birth month. One continuing education unit equates to 10 contact hours. Here's a current list of approved providers.
The NYSED Office of the Professions will mail you an application to renew your registration four months before your registration expires. If you move, you're required to report any address changes within 30 days to ensure you receive all mailed notifications. Your registration renewal will contain a PIN that gives you the ability to renew online. You can find more detailed information about how to renew online, along with answers to several FAQs, on the Online Registration Renewal Information page.
These are the main steps required for getting and keeping your physical therapy license in New York. From all of us at Luna, we wish you the best of luck and look forward to a possible partnership with you in the future.
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