Luna ranks #13 in Fast Company's most innovative companies 2024 for healthcare innovations.
Renowned pediatric hospital extends the capacity and reach of its physical therapy services and adds a convenient home-based option.
Luna, an on-demand, physical therapy service, is now booking patients, hiring physical therapists, and accepting referrals in Austin, Cincinnati,...
As part of our Austin expansion, we're going to be piloting cookie delivery with Tiff's Treats! Enjoy some cookies on us brought to every PT visit...
As a medical professional, you should not only be focused on your patients’ health, but also living your own healthy lifestyle and not neglecting...
47% of all physical therapists reported feeling more burnt out now than pre-COVID. Here’s why and how to find relief.
Not so sure about PT? Get ready to shake up everything you think you know about physical therapy.
Learn how Luna helped Emory Healthcare reduce rehab referral leakage, expand coverage, and deliver on-demand physical therapy with ease
Curious whether physical therapy can help you prevent, manage, or heal from COVID-19? Here’s what you need to know.
Luna is reimagining physical therapy for patients and the insurance companies who serve them. Here’s how.
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