Luna ranks #13 in Fast Company's most innovative companies 2024 for healthcare innovations.
Hunch over your desk too much? Lift a heavy box the wrong way? It’s easy to wreak havoc on your spine and suffer from mid-back pain. Your on-demand...
Water therapy can be great for easing pain and still getting exercise to treat your condition, however, you may not see the results you are looking...
Magnetic bracelets claim to have amazing healing effects that many patients are turning to instead of traditional medicine and treatments. Many...
Curious about on-demand physical therapy? Discover how the latest technology advancements in PT increase patient adherence by 50% while beating...
Here are a few steps physical therapy clinics can take to financially recover from COVID-19 and adapt for the future.
Whether you’re looking to improve your flexibility, strengthen your core, or focus on becoming more one with your mind and body, pilates or yoga...
Got a sharp pain in your pectoral muscle? Discover the symptoms and causes of a pulled chest muscle and how to treat it effectively
Carpal tunnel can leave you feeling tingling sensations and pain in your hand. People who engage in repetitive activities placed on the wrist are at...
Looking to continue serving clients during the COVID-19 crisis? On-demand physical therapy services may be the answer.
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