Luna ranks #13 in Fast Company's most innovative companies 2024 for healthcare innovations.
Whether you’re a patient looking to receive physical therapy treatment in your home, a physical therapist ready to own your career, or a physician...
See how Luna is reimagining physical therapy with a behind-the-scenes look at our team of physical therapists.
With Luna’s on-demand services, we have improved bundled care options for total hip and knee replacement, making it more affordable and efficient –...
Bulging disc is a spine condition often related to age. Over time, these cushioning discs between our vertebrae dry out and stiffen, which can cause...
If you hurt your neck in an auto collision or while playing contact sports, you may have suffered from acute whiplash. On-demand physical therapy can...
We are proud of our dedicated physical therapists, partners, and hard-working team for without whom Luna’s success would not be possible.
Knee buckling is the sudden giving way or instability of your knee. It can be a sign of knee weakness, damage, or injury, and can be a painful,...
Just because you don’t play tennis, doesn’t mean you can’t get tennis elbow. This painful condition can occur just by overusing your arm in your...
Suffering the severe pain and stiffness of frozen shoulder? Feel better with exercise and help from your on-demand physical therapist. Physical...
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