Luna PTs Love to Save Time With Auto-Charting

“This should be in every PT practice. Luna may have solved our burnout problem!”
A few months ago, we made a major announcement—Luna was making paperwork a relic of the past with Auto-Charting. This industry-first eliminates paperwork for physical therapists by allowing them to create precise, actionable charts right from their phones. No PT enters the profession to spend their days buried under paperwork. We wanted to improve the entire documentation experience so that our therapists could save time and stay focused on what they love—caring for patients.
So, how are Luna PTs liking this new feature?
We’re excited to share that Auto-Charting has been incredibly well-received by the Luna community. In a recent survey of Luna PTs, 90% found that Luna’s Auto-Charting saves them significant amounts of time compared to traditional documentation. (Our goal is to get that number to 100% as we continue to make improvements to the platform!)
As with anything new, making the shift from traditional paperwork to Auto-Charting takes some getting used to, but we’re excited to see that so many Luna PTs are already getting the hang of it. According to our therapists’ feedback, Luna Auto-Charting takes only 3-4 minutes to document a standard visit. This is a huge time-savings, even when compared to what used to take our PTs 12 minutes.
Are you thinking about adopting this new feature into your work routine? We encourage you to give it a try! Based on feedback from Luna PTs who are currently using Auto-Charting, here’s what you can expect.
It’ll Help You Save Time
- “Saves significant time on eval.”
- “At least 50% reduction in time.”
- “I am able to complete a treatment note with Auto-Charting in approximately 3-4 minutes whereas traditional charting would take me 10-15.”
- “Overall I like it, and I think it makes things quicker.”
- “When compared to traditional home health, it saves a lot of time.”
You’ll Spend Less Time Typing
- “No typing!”
- “Less typing away. Takes time to get used to the questioning.”
It Takes Some Getting Used To
- “Dictating is new to me, but once I get used to it, it will be such a time saver.”
- “Auto-Charting does save on time. However, it does take getting used to.”
- “Much less time compared to traditional charting, but still requires some getting used to.”
But It’s Worth It
- “Way easier!”
Thank you to all of the early adopters of this latest feature and for all of your feedback. We’re excited to continue to improve and make the documentation experience even smoother for Luna PTs.
This entry was posted in Luna Blog and tagged Therapists, Product.