Luna ranks #13 in Fast Company's most innovative companies 2024 for healthcare innovations.
Learn how physical therapy can combat the opioid crisis among the elderly, offering pain management without the risks.
Take a look at how you can prevent chronic pain with physical therapy and counter a sedentary lifestyle with Luna.
Learn just how important movement is to our health and how effective it is for treating major aches and pains.
Learn about Missouri's Direct Access physical therapy laws, the benefits, and how to easily obtain PT care in the state.
Discover effective relief for shin splints with Kinesio Tape (KT). Learn about the causes and symptoms of shin splints, and explore how KT provides...
Learn about Indiana's Direct Access physical therapy laws, the benefits, and how to easily obtain PT care in the state.
Learn about Delaware's Direct Access physical therapy laws, the benefits, and how to easily obtain PT care in the state.
Check out the lifestyle secrets from the world’s Blue Zones for a healthier, longer life.
Discover the leading causes of knee pain when bending and squatting, and learn about the easy, at-home solution for knee pain!
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