Luna ranks #13 in Fast Company's most innovative companies 2024 for healthcare innovations.
Learn about the District of Columbia's Direct Access physical therapy laws, the benefits, and how to easily obtain PT care in the state.
Discover Luna's top 12 most popular blog articles from 2023 and why physical therapy patients found them helpful for recovery.
Explore how Michael J. Fox's Emmy-winning film raises awareness for Parkinson’s Disease and impacts research funding.
Wondering what to use to lessen your knee pain: heat or ice? Learn which is better for relief and long-lasting care.
Six years post-student loan debt, Jaime Stoffer shares life-changing lessons and tips for financial freedom, from planning to celebrating wins. Read...
Learn about Oklahoma's Direct Access physical therapy laws, the benefits, and how to easily obtain PT care in the state.
Learn how Luna's in-home therapy achieved high NPS for 4 years, scoring 87 in 2023, through quality care, patient trust, and the Luna Difference.
Learn about Nevada's Direct Access physical therapy laws, the benefits, and how to easily obtain PT care in the state.
Explore your options for knee pain relief! Find the right doctor to start your journey to recovery.
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