Luna ranks #13 in Fast Company's most innovative companies 2024 for healthcare innovations.
Imagine having the freedom to work when you want with zero burden of paperwork using a powerful, tech-enabled approach to physical therapy. With...
Thinking of supplementing your income? Here are a few tips to make the most out of being an independent contractor.
Physical therapy can help to rehabilitate your arm, ease pain, and regain your full range of motion. Without treatment, you could put your shoulder...
Improve everything about outpatient therapy by expanding beyond the clinic. Explore how a better delivery method leads to better outcomes for all.
Learn how Luna is reimagining physical therapy with its innovative app and award-winning platform.
Learn how to obtain your physical therapy license in the state of Delaware with this helpful, step-by-step guide.
If you’re a physical therapist today, you may be feeling exhausted and disillusioned with your career choice.
Luna, an on-demand, physical therapy service, is now booking patients, hiring physical therapists, and accepting referrals in these new regions!
Discover how Luna's innovative physical therapy app is growing and enhancing the salary of one of its PTs - now likely the top-paid physical...
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