Luna ranks #13 in Fast Company's most innovative companies 2024 for healthcare innovations.
Learn how Luna is reimagining physical therapy by providing its partners with professionally branded marketing materials via its new Partner...
Lower back pain is a growing global health problem that most people will experience. Here’s the latest research on lower back pain and how to treat...
Luna, an on-demand, physical therapy service, is now booking patients, hiring physical therapists, and accepting referrals in Denver.
Pelvic floor physical therapy -- learn the symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction, what to expect from physical therapy, the time it takes to restore...
Learn how and why Luna is prioritizing the happiness of physical therapists to ensure the quality of care to patients.
Learn what patients need to know when considering hip or knee replacement from Dr. Christopher Boone of Proliance Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine in...
Learn how Luna is reimagining physical therapy by providing its community of exceptional physical therapists with a new Luna Therapist Digital...
Learn why 99.6% of Luna patients are happy with their experience and how we use their feedback to continuously improve our physical therapy services.
Discover Luna's favorite physical therapy books and why they're worth investing in, especially from a business tax perspective.
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