Luna ranks #13 in Fast Company's most innovative companies 2024 for healthcare innovations.
Learn how to obtain your physical therapy license in the state of Arizona with this helpful, step-by-step guide.
If you’re looking for a better way to deliver physical therapy to injured workers while improving quality and decreasing costs, this letter is for...
Learn how to obtain your physical therapy license in the state of Pennsylvania with this helpful, step-by-step guide.
More and more health systems are implementing home-care programs and for good reason. Home health offers patients a convenient, safe, and (according...
Learn how to obtain your physical therapy license in the state of Texas with this helpful, step-by-step guide.
At Luna, we believe in the powerful combination of in-person physical therapy treatment and integrated digital experiences. Here’s why.
Learn how to obtain your physical therapy license in New York with this helpful, step-by-step guide.
Ashley is a therapist recruiter at Luna with a word of advice for physical therapists feeling burnt out—take a chance and get started with Luna...
Luna is now serving top-quality, at-home physical therapy to patients in Denver, Colorado, via a partnership with SCL Health.
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