Luna ranks #13 in Fast Company's most innovative companies 2024 for healthcare innovations.
If you’re a physical therapist today, you may be feeling exhausted and disillusioned with your career choice.
Luna, an on-demand, physical therapy service, is now booking patients, hiring physical therapists, and accepting referrals in these new regions!
Discover how Luna's innovative physical therapy app is growing and enhancing the salary of one of its PTs - now likely the top-paid physical...
Heard of “Hospital at Home”? What about “Rehab at Home”? See how Luna helps top health systems across the US deliver on-demand physical therapy to...
Ready to raise the bar after surgery? Surgeons and orthopedic groups rely on Luna to standardize care and deliver exceptional clinical outcomes.
We need physical therapy that meets people where they are. That’s where Luna comes into play.
Home care boomed this past year, and at Luna, we have heard from our health system partners, therapists, and patients that the need for delivery of...
What are health systems executives doing to address patient leakage? This journey starts by understanding the magnitude of your leakage, and...
See how Luna is refining and improving its technology to deliver on-demand physical therapy to patients across the United States.
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